Before buying goods online, there are often questions about whether this store is reliable, why should I buy from it, will I really receive the goods on time, is it an e-store that offers the best product and price?
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What is Evertink.lt?
After finding an online store, the question often arises, why should you buy from this store? Usually, people share their shopping experience through word of mouth, various forums, etc. This is unsystematic and often unreliable information, difficult to find and compare. Therefore, we created Evertink.lt project, which accumulates customer experience and organizes it according to various criteria.
Evertink.lt is becoming one of the most important tools for e-commerce in Lithuania, allowing users to decide in which specific online store to buy, and allowing the stores to improve.
Evertink.lt system includes only online stores that are not afraid of publicity and the opinions of their customers.
Improve your e-business
E-shop rating
Take into account customer feedback, solve problems with service, technical delivery of goods or goods of inappropriate quality.
Formation of customer loyalty
Actively communicate with customers, keep in constant contact and monitor the ratings of loyal customers.
Customer reviews according to criteria
Analyze customer reviews based on individual criteria: overall satisfaction, service and delivery.
Use of data for marketing
Display a customer feedback rating that reflects the reliability of the e-shop, the quality of service, the speed of delivery of goods and the overall opinion of customers.
E-shops participating in the project
Free consultation
Write to us and we will be happy to advise you on the issues that concern you and provide you with the best offer.